6th International CLIVAR Climate of the 20th Century Workshop

5-8 November 2013

School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia

Registration and Abstract Submission

Please submit this form by 20 September 2013 to:

Jim Kinter
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
George Mason University
284 Research Hall, Mail Stop 6C5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA

The registration and abstract submission form can be mailed to the above address or (preferred) emailed to

kinter at cola dot iges dot org

Please be sure to indicate to which of the following C20C themes your abstract belongs:

* HadISST2
* Operational Detection and Attribution
* Large-scale Precipitation Trends
* Summer North Atlantic Oscillation - Mechanisms and Predictability
* Weather Noise
* Mid-Latitude Predictability
* (General) Climate Variability of the Past 150 Years

Please note: We encourage everyone to attend in person to contribute to Breakout Groups and discussions; however, remote presentations will be supported for those who cannot travel to the workshop venue. Please let us know with your abstract submission if you plan to attend.