

Purpose and Editorial Policy

Summary of Forecasts

Forecasts of Nino-3 SST Anomalies and SOI Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis Combined with the Maximum Entropy Method - by Dmitri Kondrashov, Michael Ghil and J. David Neelin

Dynamically Based Forecasts for Tropical Pacific SST Using a Hybrid Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Model - by Tim Barnett, David Pierce, Nicholas Graham and Mojib Latif

Forecast of Tropical Pacific SST Using a Markov Model - by Yan Xue

Seasonal forecasts of tropical cyclone numbers in the Australian/southwest Pacific Ocean region using a Poisson regression model: verification of 2005/06 season forecast and forecast for 2006/07 season - Katrina A McDonnell and Neil J Holbrook

Forecasts of Niño-34 SST Anomalies  Based on Empirical Mode Reduction - Dmitri Kondrashov and Michael Ghil


Predicting South African DJF 2006/07 rainfall with the RegCM3 - Mary-Jane M. Kgatuke, Willem A. Landman, and Maluta P. Mbedzi


Predicting South African DJF 2006/07 rainfall with the ECHAM4.5 GCM - Willem A. Landman, Anna Bartman, and Lisa Goddard


Tropical Pacific SST Forecasts Utilizing Multiple Coupled GCMs - David G. DeWitt, Edwin K. Schneider and Dan Paolino


SST predictions with an intermediate coupled model of the tropical Pacific - contributed by Boris Dewitte, Dasha Gushchina and Yves duPenhoat