Global Offline Land-surface Data-set

A 21-year gridded data set of near-surface meteorology, surface state variables and fluxes

GOLD is a spatially and temporally continuous global land-surface data set at for the period 1979-1999, produced for all the principal resolutions of the COLA GCM.  Its intent is to be used for specifying initial and/or boundary conditions for global climate models, climate variability analyses over land, as well as possible applications in hydrology, ecology or biogeochemistry.  Hybrid sets of forcing data have been produced by combining the 6-hourly reanalyses with observed monthly data sets to reduce systematic errors in the reanalysis.  These data are then used to drive a land surface scheme, producing a data set of surface state variables and fluxes.  Land surface model output data are produced as monthly means and instantaneous  grids over all ice-free land points (based on the land/sea and vegetation masks of the COLA GCM).   A description of GOLD can be found in COLA Technical Report 102.

Data sets have been produced at several resolutions:

Resolution Name Ice-Free Land Points Global Gaussian Grid Dimensions
Longitude Latitude
3.75° t31 1034 96 48
2.8125° t42 1811 128 64
2.8°x1.8° r40 2902 128 102
1.875° t63 4106 192 96

There are four types of data sets:

Type Time Interval GDS Name
Near Surface Meteorology Gridded; Means, Totals 6-Hour <res>_<var name>
(see table below)
Land Surface Parameters Gridded; Fixed Once (non-varying) <res>_fixed
Land Surface Means Gridded; Means Monthly <res>_mean
Land Surface Snapshots Gridded; Instantaneous Values Monthly <res>_snap

The data sets are available currently on the GrADS/DODS server (GDS) at COLA.  The directory listing for the GDS is: Look for GDS data set names listed above. The "info", "dds", and "das" links provide additional metadata.

To access the data, you need a DODS-enabled analysis tool (client) such as GrADS version 1.8. This is currently
available for SunOS and Linux (redhat 7), with betas available for other platforms. (See the GrADS downloads page at If your platform is not listed, please contact Jennifer Adams about a build for your platform.

Once you get GrADS 1.8 running, you can simply open the data sets with the following commands:

ga-> sdfopen
ga-> sdfopen
ga-> sdfopen
ga-> sdfopen

Then you treat the data as you would any other local data set. An additional benefit of the GDS is that it allows you
to do some analysis on the server side, which can significantly speed up your interaction with the data. Using
the analysis capabilities of the GDS is fairly simple if you are already familiar with GrADS syntax. Please consult the
GDS web page for more information about this: Look under the headings "How
do I access data distributed by the GDS?" and "How do I do analysis operations on GDS data sets?" The analysis
capability can also be used for accessing small subsets of the entire data set.

Near Surface Meteorology

There are 8 near surface variables:
Variable Name Units Source(s)
Air temperature (2m AGL) air K NCEP/NCAR reanalysis; Webber and Willmott; CAMS
Specific humidity (2m AGL) shum kg kg-1 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis adjusted for consistency with air temperature
Wind speed (10m AGL) uwnd m s-1 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis
Surface pressure pres pa NCEP/NCAR reanalysis
Downward shortwave radiation dswrf W m-2 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, ISCCP/ISLSCP 
Downward longwave radiation dlwrf W m-2 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, ISCCP/ISLSCP
Total precipitation prate kg m-2 s-1 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, Webber and Willmott; CMAP
Convective component of precipitation cprat kg m-2 s-1 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis adjusted for consistency with total precipitation

Land Surface Parameters

These are given once and do not vary in time:
Variable Name Units Description
Vegetation type v - Based on types from ISLSCP I-1 CD-ROM (see Table below)
Soil type s - Based on classes from ISLSCP I-1 CD-ROM (see Table below)
Depth of surface soil layer d1 m 5 cm globally
Depth of root layer d2 m Function of vegetation type, total soil depth
Depth of recharge layer d3 m Function of total soil depth from ISLSCP I-1 CD-ROM
Wilting point of surface + root layers wp1 m Function of soil type and vegetation type
Wilting point of total soil column wp2 m Function of soil type and vegetation type
Field capacity of surface + root layers fc1 m Function of soil type
Field capacity of total soil column fc2 m Function of soil type
Total capacity of surface + root layers cap1 m Function of soil porosity
Total capacity of total soil column cap2 m Function of soil porosity

Vegetation Types

Type Definition Seasonal Cycle
1 Broadleaf evergreen trees No
2 Broadleaf deciduous trees Yes
3 Broadleaf and needle leaf trees Yes
4 Needle leaf evergreen trees Yes
5 Needle leaf deciduous trees Yes
6 Broadleaf trees with groundcover Yes
7 Groundcover only Yes
8 Not used
9 Broadleaf shrubs with bare soil Yes
10 Broadleaf shrubs with ground cover (Tundra) Yes
11 Bare soil No
12 Winter wheat and broadleaf deciduous trees Yes

Soil Texture Types

Sat. Matric Potential
Sat. Hydr. Conductivity
b Parameter
Loamy Sand
Sandy Loam
Samdy Clay Loam
Clay Loam
Ocean, Lake

Land Surface - Mean Fields

Reported as monthly means:
Variable Name Units
Soil moisture in the surface layer w1 mm
Soil moisture in the surface and root layers w2 mm
Soil moisture in the total soil column w3 mm
Soil wetness index of the surface layer wi1 -- 
Soil wetness index of the surface and root layers wi2 -- 
Surface snow (liquid water equivalent) snow mm
Effective skin temperature skin K
Precipitation rate ppl mm day-1
Surface runoff rate exc mm day-1
Total runoff rate roff mm day-1
Snowmelt rate melt mm day-1
Transpiration rate trnsp mm day-1
Bare soil evaporation rate sevap mm day-1
Direct snow evaporation rate snev mm day-1
Interception loss intrc mm day-1
Total evapotranspiration rate ett mm day-1
Downward shortwave radiation at the surface swd W m-2
Downward longwave radiation at the surface lwd W m-2
Upward shortwave radiation at the surface swu W m-2
Upward longwave radiation at the surface lwu W m-2
Sensible heat flux shf W m-2
Latent heat flux lhf W m-2
Ground heat flux ghf W m-2

Land Surface - Instantaneous Snapshots

Reported at 0000UTC on the first day of each month:
Variable Name Units
Soil moisture in the surface layer sm1 mm
Soil moisture in the surface and root layers sm2 mm
Soil moisture in the total soil column sm3 mm
Soil wetness in the surface layer sw1 -- 
Soil wetness in the surface and root layers sw2 -- 
Temperature of vegetation canopy tc K
Effective skin temperature tskin K
Temperature of surface layer t1 K
Temperature of root layer t2 K
Temperature of recharge layer t3 K
Total canopy water storage capc mm
Surface storage (snow) capg mm
Soil wetness in the surface layer w1 -- 
Soil wetness in the root layer w2 -- 
Soil wetness in the recharge layer w3 -- 
Soil wetness index swi -- 
Available water in the top meter of soil s1m mm
Normalized available water naw -- 


4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705-3106
Fax +1-301-595-9793