
clear (or just c)

Issued without parameters, the clear command does pretty heavy duty clearing of many of the GrADS internal settings. Parameters can be added to limit what is cleared when using more advanced features.

Usage Notes


clear norset        clears without resetting user options
clear events        flushes the events buffer (e.g., mouse clicks)
clear graphics      clears the graphics, but not the widgets
clear hbuff         clears the buffered display and turns off double buffer mode
clear button num    clears button num
clear rband num     clears rband num
clear dropmenu num  clears dropmenu num
clear sdfwrite      clears sdfwrite file name and attributes without resetting other user options (2.0.a3+)
clear mask          clears contour label mask, which is enabled with the command 'set clab masked'(2.0.a7+)
clear shp           clears shapefile output file name and attributes without resetting other user options (2.0.a9+)