draw shp

draw shp shapefile <n> <m>

Draws the contents of a shapefile. The arguments are:

shapefile  The name of the shapefile. It is not necessary to include the file extension (.shp)
n          Element number (if you want to draw only one)
m          Use n  and m if you want to draw a range of elements

If n  and m are omitted, all the elements in the shapefile will be drawn.

Usage Notes

This command is available with GrADS version 2.0.a8 or later.

If you put the three shapefile components (*.shp, *.shx, and *.dbf) in the GrADS data directory (pointed to by the GADDIR environment variable), then it is not necessary to include the full path in shapefile.

Before invoking this command, it is necessary to draw a plot first in order to establish the dimensions and scaling of the display. Shapefiles contain 2-dimensional spatial features, so your plot must be varying in the X-Y (lon/lat) domain. A shapefile may contain one of three kinds of graphical elements: points, lines, or polygons.

Please see the documentation page on shapefiles for more details.
