q shp

q shp shapefile

Lists the contents of a shapefile. shapefile is the name of the shapefile. It is not necessary to include the file extension (.shp) on the end of shapefile, just the filename root is adequate.

Usage Notes

This command is available with GrADS version 2.0.a8 or later.

If you put the three shapefile components (*.shp, *.shx, and *.dbf) in the GrADS data directory (pointed to by the GADDIR environment variable), then it is not necessary to include the full path in shapefile.

The first line of output contains the shapefile type, the number of shapes in the file, and the X and Y bounds of actual extent of the shapes in the file. Subsequent lines list information about each shape element in the file: the identification number, the shape type, the number of parts, the number of vertices, and the bounds of the shape in the X, Y, Z, and M (measure) dimesions. The current GrADS interface ignores the Z or M values of a shape, only it's position in X,Y (lon,lat) space is relevant.

A companion command, q dbf, lists the attribute database entries for each element in the shapefile. There is a 1:1 correspondence between elements in the shapefile and records in the database.

Please see the documentation page on shapefiles for more details.



ga-> q shp /home/GIS/climatedivs/divisions
Shapefile Type=Polygon #Shapes=387 XBounds=-124.761:-66.95 YBounds=24.545:49.385 0: Polygon parts=1 vertices=51 XBounds=-95.602:-93.056 YBounds=46.285:49.385 ZBounds=0:0 MBounds=0:0 1: Polygon parts=1 vertices=88 XBounds=-123.081:-121.919 YBounds=46.621:49.002 ZBounds=0:0 MBounds=0:0 2: Polygon parts=1 vertices=135 XBounds=-123.773:-121.207 YBounds=45.548:49.002 ZBounds=0:0 MBounds=0:0 3: Polygon parts=1 vertices=91 XBounds=-121.611:-119.484 YBounds=45.681:49.001 ZBounds=0:0 MBounds=0:0 4: Polygon parts=1 vertices=36 XBounds=-120.46:-117.558 YBounds=47.149:49.001 ZBounds=0:0 MBounds=0:0 5: Polygon parts=1 vertices=25 XBounds=-117.041:-116.048 YBounds=47.006:49.001 ZBounds=0:0 MBounds=0:0 . . . 385: Polygon parts=1 vertices=46 XBounds=-122.513:-121.659 YBounds=43.551:45.647 ZBounds=0:0 MBounds=0:0 386: Polygon parts=1 vertices=67 XBounds=-121.946:-118.222 YBounds=44.771:46.001 ZBounds=0:0 MBounds=0:0