set cmark marktype
Set the style of the marker for line plots, or for the gxout option 'stnmark'. marktype
may be one of the following:
0 - none
1 - plus sign
2 - open circle (default)
3 - closed circle
4 - open square
5 - closed square
6 - multiplication sign
7 - open diamond
8 - open triangle
9 - closed triangle
10 - open circle with vertical bar
11 - closed circle with vertical bar
12 - closed diamond (GrADS version 2.1+)
or display
set digsize
Here is a short script sample that draws all the mark types, followed by the image output after running the script.
m=1 while (m<=12) 'draw mark 'm' 'm/2' 5.5 0.2' 'set string 1 c ' 'draw string 'm/2' 5 'm m=m+1 endwhile