GRIB (General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form) is an international, public, binary format for the efficient storage of meteorological/oceanographic variables and the metadata that describe them. GRIB2 is similar to GRIB, but has a more complex set of header fields for the metadata, and also offers data compression that can significantly reduce file size. A GRIB data file typically consists of a collection of records. Each GRIB record contains a 2-D (lon,lat) grid of data at a particular time and vertical level. A 4-D GRIB data set is a collection of 2-D records that span a range of times and vertical levels. GRIB2 records may also contain ensemble information, creating a 5-D data set. A GRIB record is a self-describing data object -- each record contains not only the data, but also the metadata to describe the spatial grid, the valid time, the vertical level, and any ensemble metadata (for GRIB2 only). GRIB records may be concatenated together to form a single data set, but because each record is self-describing, the order in which they may be merged is arbitrary.
How to read GRIB data with GrADS
In order to display GRIB data in GrADS, the collection of records must be sorted and placed into the internal 4- or 5-D gridded data model. This is accomplished by the use of a GrADS data descriptor file and a separate index file, which maps the position of the GRIB records in the data file into their proper place in the 4- or 5-D grid environment. The general idea is to scan through the metadata in all the records, collecting information about the lat/lon grid, the list of vertical levels at which the records are defined, the list of times at which the records are valid, and (if GRIB2) any ensemble information. The next step is to create a descriptor file which describes the complete grid and the list of variables. The final step is to create the index file by running gribmap, which takes the name of your descriptor file as an argument. The name of the index file that gribmap creates is included in the descriptor file in the INDEX entry. Once you have created a descriptor file and run gribmap, you are ready to open the descriptor file with GrADS and begin displaying the data.
The scanning of the metadata in each record is done by the several external utilities: gribscan and grib2scan (which are supported by COLA, as part of GrADS) and wgrib and wgrib2 (which are supported by Wesley Ebisuzaki at NOAA). The scanning utilities will give you the information you need to describe the 4- or 5-D grid in your descriptor file, so you can manually create the XDEF, YDEF, ZDEF, TDEF, and EDEF (if ensembles are present) entries, plus the list of variable declarations, with the appropriate codes in the levels and units fields to describe each variable uniquely. If you don't feel up to doing all that work manually, there are two user-friendly routines that do all the scanning and create a descriptor file for you: grib2ctl and g2ctl (also supported by Wesley Ebisuzaki at NOAA).
# wgrib sample.grib
1:0:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=1000:TR=10:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
2:81534:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=1000:TR=10:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:1000 mb:anl:NAve=0
3:154922:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=850:TR=10:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
4:236456:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=850:TR=10:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:850 mb:anl:NAve=0
5:317990:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=500:TR=10:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
6:399524:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=500:TR=10:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:500 mb:anl:NAve=0
7:489202:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=200:TR=10:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
8:578880:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=200:TR=10:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:200 mb:anl:NAve=0
9:660414:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=1000:TR=10:P1=0:P2=6:TimeU=1:1000 mb:6hr fcst:NAve=0
10:741948:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=1000:TR=10:P1=0:P2=6:TimeU=1:1000 mb:6hr fcst:NAve=0
11:815336:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=850:TR=10:P1=0:P2=6:TimeU=1:850 mb:6hr fcst:NAve=0
12:896870:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=850:TR=10:P1=0:P2=6:TimeU=1:850 mb:6hr fcst:NAve=0
13:978404:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=500:TR=10:P1=0:P2=6:TimeU=1:500 mb:6hr fcst:NAve=0
14:1059938:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=500:TR=10:P1=0:P2=6:TimeU=1:500 mb:6hr fcst:NAve=0
15:1141472:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=200:TR=10:P1=0:P2=6:TimeU=1:200 mb:6hr fcst:NAve=0
16:1231150:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=200:TR=10:P1=0:P2=6:TimeU=1:200 mb:6hr fcst:NAve=0
17:1312684:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=1000:TR=10:P1=0:P2=12:TimeU=1:1000 mb:12hr fcst:NAve=0
18:1394218:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=1000:TR=10:P1=0:P2=12:TimeU=1:1000 mb:12hr fcst:NAve=0
19:1467606:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=850:TR=10:P1=0:P2=12:TimeU=1:850 mb:12hr fcst:NAve=0
20:1549140:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=850:TR=10:P1=0:P2=12:TimeU=1:850 mb:12hr fcst:NAve=0
21:1630674:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=500:TR=10:P1=0:P2=12:TimeU=1:500 mb:12hr fcst:NAve=0
22:1712208:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=500:TR=10:P1=0:P2=12:TimeU=1:500 mb:12hr fcst:NAve=0
23:1793742:d=04040200:UGRD:kpds5=33:kpds6=100:kpds7=200:TR=10:P1=0:P2=12:TimeU=1:200 mb:12hr fcst:NAve=0
24:1883420:d=04040200:VGRD:kpds5=34:kpds6=100:kpds7=200:TR=10:P1=0:P2=12:TimeU=1:200 mb:12hr fcst:NAve=0
The wgrib output reveals that the sample.grib file contains 24 records. There are two variables: UGRD and VGRD; there are four pressure levels: 1000, 850, 500, and 200; there are three times: 00hr analysis, 6hr forecast, and 12hr forecast, with the initial reference time of 00z 2 April 2004 ("04040200"). We still need to know about the lon/lat grid, so we use wgrib again, this time with the verbose option (-V) and just for the first record (-d 1). We are assuming that all the records in the file share the same lon/lat grid, but this may not necessarily be the case.
# wgrib -V -d 1 sample.grib
rec 1:0:date 2004040200 UGRD kpds5=33 kpds6=100 kpds7=1000 levels=(3,232) grid=3 1000 mb anl:
UGRD=u wind [m/s]
timerange 10 P1 0 P2 0 TimeU 1 nx 360 ny 181 GDS grid 0 num_in_ave 0 missing 0
center 7 subcenter 0 process 81 Table 2
latlon: lat 90.000000 to -90.000000 by 1.000000 nxny 65160
long 0.000000 to -1.000000 by 1.000000, (360 x 181) scan 0 mode 128 bdsgrid 1
min/max data -24.8 29.3 num bits 10 BDS_Ref -248 DecScale 1 BinScale 0
Now we can use this information to put together the descriptor file (sample.ctl):
dset ^sample.grib
index ^sample.idx
title sample grib file
dtype grib
options yrev
undef 9.999E+20
XDEF 360 linear 0.0 1.0
YDEF 181 linear -90.0 1
ZDEF 4 levels 1000 850 500 200
TDEF 3 linear 00Z02apr2004 6hr
u 4 33,100 u wind [m/s]
v 4 34,100 v wind [m/s]
The name of the index file name can be anything at all, here we choose a filename similar to the data file, but with a .idx extension. The options yrev is needed because the grid is written from north to south (90 to -90), but the GrADS default is the opposite, so we need to tell GrADS to turn the grid upside down. For GRIB, the undef value is arbitrary, but required by GrADS. The XDEF and YDEF entries are based on the info from the verbose wgrib output. The ZDEF and TDEF entries are based on the level and time info from wgrib: 4 pressure levels, and 3 time steps with a 6-hour increment. In the variable declarations, the numbers in the units field (33,100 and 34,100) are the grib codes that appear in the kpds5 and kpds6 fields of the wgrib output. These are the codes that identify the variable and the level type; the kpds7 field give the level values, which in this case are the pressure levels. The name of the variable is arbitrary -- it is a good practice to keep is short but meaningful.
The final step is to run gribmap to create the index file. Gribmap looks at the metadata in each and every record in the GRIB file and compares it to the information in the descriptor file. If the record contains a variable at a vertical level at a time that fits into the grid described by the descriptor file, then it is declared a "MATCH" and a the file position of that record is recorded:
# gribmap -v -i sample.ctl
grib1map: opening GRIB file: sample.grib
!!!!! MATCH: 1 81534 0 3 1 0 33 100 1000 79 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 0 dtim: 2004040200:00
!!!!! MATCH: 2 154922 0 3 1 0 34 100 1000 81613 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 0 dtim: 2004040200:00
!!!!! MATCH: 3 236456 0 3 1 0 33 100 850 155001 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 0 dtim: 2004040200:00
!!!!! MATCH: 4 317990 0 3 1 0 34 100 850 236535 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 0 dtim: 2004040200:00
!!!!! MATCH: 5 399524 0 3 1 0 33 100 500 318069 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 0 dtim: 2004040200:00
!!!!! MATCH: 6 489202 0 3 1 0 34 100 500 399603 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 0 dtim: 2004040200:00
!!!!! MATCH: 7 578880 0 3 1 0 33 100 200 489281 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 0 dtim: 2004040200:00
!!!!! MATCH: 8 660414 0 3 1 0 34 100 200 578959 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 0 dtim: 2004040200:00
!!!!! MATCH: 9 741948 0 3 1 0 33 100 1000 660493 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 6 dtim: 2004040206:00
!!!!! MATCH: 10 815336 0 3 1 0 34 100 1000 742027 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 6 dtim: 2004040206:00
!!!!! MATCH: 11 896870 0 3 1 0 33 100 850 815415 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 6 dtim: 2004040206:00
!!!!! MATCH: 12 978404 0 3 1 0 34 100 850 896949 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 6 dtim: 2004040206:00
!!!!! MATCH: 13 1059938 0 3 1 0 33 100 500 978483 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 6 dtim: 2004040206:00
!!!!! MATCH: 14 1141472 0 3 1 0 34 100 500 1060017 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 6 dtim: 2004040206:00
!!!!! MATCH: 15 1231150 0 3 1 0 33 100 200 1141551 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 6 dtim: 2004040206:00
!!!!! MATCH: 16 1312684 0 3 1 0 34 100 200 1231229 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 6 dtim: 2004040206:00
!!!!! MATCH: 17 1394218 0 3 1 0 33 100 1000 1312763 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 12 dtim: 2004040212:00
!!!!! MATCH: 18 1467606 0 3 1 0 34 100 1000 1394297 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 12 dtim: 2004040212:00
!!!!! MATCH: 19 1549140 0 3 1 0 33 100 850 1467685 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 12 dtim: 2004040212:00
!!!!! MATCH: 20 1630674 0 3 1 0 34 100 850 1549219 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 12 dtim: 2004040212:00
!!!!! MATCH: 21 1712208 0 3 1 0 33 100 500 1630753 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 12 dtim: 2004040212:00
!!!!! MATCH: 22 1793742 0 3 1 0 34 100 500 1712287 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 12 dtim: 2004040212:00
!!!!! MATCH: 23 1883420 0 3 1 0 33 100 200 1793821 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 12 dtim: 2004040212:00
!!!!! MATCH: 24 1973098 0 3 1 0 34 100 200 1883499 0 btim: 2004040200:00 tau: 12 dtim: 2004040212:00
grib1map: reached end of files
grib1map: writing the map...
Success! Each record in the GRIB file has been mapped to a variable, level, and time in the descriptor file. Note that failure to match will not lead to an error in GrADS; if a grib record at a particular time or level is missing, GrADS will return a grid with "undefined" values on display.
The procedure for handling GRIB2 in GrADS is essentially the same as it is for GRIB1. However, GRIB2 is treated as a separate data type, so you need to change the DTYPE entry in your descriptor file. There are some keywords for the OPTIONS entry that are only valid for GRIB2 (e.g. "pascals"), and the "yrev" option is not necessary with GRIB2, since the north-south orientation of the grid is contained in the header metadata, so GrADS can figure that one out on its own. In addition, the GRIB2 codes required in the variable declarations are much more numerous -- please see the reference page on descriptor file elements for details on variable declarations for GRIB2. The grib2scan utility may also be helpful in determining what the grib codes should be, as well as the output from gribmap (with the verbose option enabled "-v"). For GRIB2 ensemble data sets, the required ensemble codes are included in the grib2scan and gribmap output.