README -- GrADS Data Server v2.0

Administrator/Maintainer -- Jennifer M. Adams (
Original Author -- Joe Wielgosz 

See COPYRIGHT for copyright information.

Where to find documentation

Documentation on how to install, administer and use the GDS is now in HTML. 
It is located in the doc/ subdirectory.

You can also access the latest versions of the software and documentation 
on the GDS home page,

Release history

2.0   - GDS upgraded for compatibiity with GrADS version 2.0
	Requires GrADS 2.0.a2+ (executable names are different: grads and gradsdap)
        Handles data in grib2 format.
        Supports 5-Dimensional Ensemble data sets. Ensemble metadata is tailored 
          for GrADS client, but should not interfere with access by other clients
	Server-side analysis is more flexible, result can vary in all 5 dimensions.
	Bug fix: native attributes not passed through for hdf/netcdf descriptor files

1.3   - ** GDS and Anagram are now under the GNU General Public License **
        The GrADS-DODS Server was renamed to GrADS Data Server and all
	visible mentions of DODS replaced with OPeNDAP. 
        Updated Java DAP to version 1.1.7 which implements DAP 2.0. 
	Updated THREDDS XML to version 1.0.
        Overhaul of attribute parsing code: 
	* descriptor attributes are distinguished from native file attributes
        * time metadata added for station datasets
	* additional metadata for gridded datasets: dataType "Grid"  
          plus "resolution" and "resolution_units" for all grid coordinates
        * handles any special characters appearing in attribute values
	* allows overriding of data set attributes at configuration level
	* provides grads_* attributes sufficient for GrADS open command

        Improved organization of environment variables and code relating to
	disk paths for various server resources. The GDS shell environment is
        set up with bin/ Multiple servers may be run from a single
	souce code installation by using the ANAGRAM_BASE and CATALINA_BASE
        environment variables to isolate the modifiable data (the config, log,
        and temp files) for each server instance.
	Added JETTY, an experimental optional servlet container. JETTY is
	invoked with bin/ and controlled by environmental
	variables JETTY_PORT, JETTY_STOP_PORT, and JETTY_CONFIG.              

1.2.9 - Prototype support for THREDDS XML catalogs (accessed by the
        URL "http://servername/dods/thredds"). 
        Contains a bug fix in for high-res 1D subsets.
        This release contains an important bug fix for returning the results
        of analysis expressions. Results are read from the cache using the 
	direct subsetting option, and now the data file is opened instead
	of the descriptor file. 

1.2.8 - This release contains some minor modifications that support serving 
        large binary files (>2 gigabytes), and high-resolution gridded data 
	sets (>0.05 degrees lat/lon or smaller). Subsets of high-res grids 
	will be the correct size, but server-side analysis results may not. 
	(This is because subsets are done in grid coordinates and analysis 
	tasks are done in world coordinates.) Further improvements to the 
	handling of high-res grids will be a part of later GrADS releases. 
	These GDS modifications are complemented by GrADS version 1.9b2 
	(and higher). This version of GrADS must be used behind the server 
	in order for the modifications to take effect. 

1.2.7 - New direct_subset attribute for dataset tag, provides an
        optimization for use in data-intensive applications such as
        distributed modeling. GDS can do in-process I/O (no separate
        GrADS process is invoked) for correctly-formatted IEEE binary
        datasets. This appears to provide close to a full
        order-of-magnitude improvement in throughput.

	Metadata attributes can be added to datasets in the configuration
	file using the metadata tag.

	Metadata attributes can be extracted from self-describing datasets
	using the metadata-filter tag. (Requires GrADS 1.9)

	A workaround for an I/O problem related to high-resolution
	grids has been applied. GDS can now serve datasets down to
	5km resolution without distortion.

	Startup scripts now check the value of the GADDIR environment
	variable, to ensure that the sdfopen netCDF/HDF interface will
	function properly.

	Admin service can be enabled for specific privilege levels only, 
	using the admin_allowed attribute.

	Import module will handle GDS 1.9 BUFR descriptors correctly.

1.2.6 - GDS now comes with Tomcat 4.1 instead of Tomcat 3.2.
        New start/stop/cleanup scripts in bin/:
	    Automatically respawn Tomcat if it goes down;
	    Can be run from any directory;
	    Provide more informative output.
	New utility, utils/, provides a simple way to send
	    admin commands to server
	Server-side analysis requests can now vary in three dimensions.
      	Improved admin service design can no longer block other requests 
	    or hang server, and supports POST method for requests. 
	Fixed bugs relating to: 
	    enabling/disabling filters
	    abuse blocking filter not reconfiguring properly
	    spuriously high hit counts in abuse blocking filter
	    use of cached analysis results in follow-on analysis 
	    HTTP caching headers
	    potential name collisions in temporary cache
	    strided (subsampled) data requests coming up short 

1.2.5 - Changed numbering scheme to remove "b".
        Documentation attribute seemed to confuse client parsers;
         changed type from URL to String.
        Fixed analysis bug where valid GrADS dates were being rejected
        Fixed data import to remove prefix and suffix strings from
         dataset names

1.2b4 - Added time metadata for station datasets
        Fixed more station data bugs

1.2b3 - Removed config file timestamp check on reconfigure
        Fixed directory name parsing bugs

1.2b2 - Fixed station data support

1.2b1 - Major update to GDS, with a new modular architecture, 
	XML-based configuration mechanism, expanded documentation, 
	major internal code improvements, and new features in 
	the following areas:

	Dataset loading:
	- online catalog organizes datasets into subdirectories 
	- entire directory trees and text lists of datasets can be loaded
	  via a single entry in the config file
	- additional metadata attributes, 
	  and a URL pointing to online documentation, can 
	  be specified for each dataset
	- capable of serving remote DODS datasets, as well
	  as datasets local to the server
	- if given a complete GrADS distribution, 
	  automatically invokes the correct GrADS binary (gradsc, gradsnc,
	  gradshdf, gradsdods) for each dataset

	User/client interface:
	- more usable and consistent web page format, with some 
	  customizable hyper-links
	- full support for the "stride" parameter in constraint expressions
	- dependency checking forces recalculation of analysis results 
	  when source datasets change

	Basic operation:
	- new "admin" service can be used to control dynamic
	  reconfiguration, and flush temporary datasets
	- all GDS settings are now updated during reconfiguration
	- multiple GDS instances can run in the same servlet container

	- multiple IP ranges can be mapped to a single privilege set 
	  (previously known as an access level)
	- privilege sets can inherit settings from each other

	- options to send log output to a rotating set of files, 
          or to the console
	- customizable logging levels and message format

1.1b9: Changed units of generate_limit setting from MB to KB for finer control.
       Fixed bug that caused time value at boundary of daylight savings to be
       off by one hour.

1.1b8: Fixed deadlock problem in dataset lock mechanism

1.1b7: Added temp_dataset_limit and temp_expire_time settings to improve
       control over resource usage

1.1b6: Added hit_limit and abuse_timeout settings to mitigate the effects
       of misbehaving clients

1.1b5: Fixed problems with using "+" in expressions, and unpredictable 
       hangs during startup on some platforms

1.1b4: Added support for the .info and .ascii services. Made the error pages 
more user-friendly. Additional performance improvements. Changed missing_value
to _FillValue to comply with new CF metadata convention. Log now includes
user domain names when possible.

1.1b3: Added dynamic reloading of datasets, made major performance 

1.1b2: Added multi-stage analysis capability, made cache persistent between
restarts, and added IP security features. Fixed some minor bugs.

1.1b1: Added analysis capability, cache management, XML output, improved
configuration, switched from JSDK2.1 to Tomcat 3.1, and innumerable other

1.0: First release of the GrADS Data server, with subsetting capability

About this file
Last modified: $Date: 2008/07/22 17:40:55 $ 
Revision for this file: $Revision: 1.17 $
Release name: $Name:  $
Original for this file: $Source: /homes/cvsroot/gds/gds/README,v $