GSWP-2 Modeling

The Modeling Group in GSWP-2 includes the participating land surface modelers (called the “Production Group” during GSWP-1).  The members of this group run their Land Surface Schemes (LSSs) with the provided forcing and boundary conditions, and furnish the results of this “baseline” integration to the ICC.  The modeling group is open to anyone with a unique LSS and an interest in participating.  No direct financial support can be provided from GSWP to modeling groups for their participation.  However, the access to data, analysis tools, validation, and expertise should make participation attractive, as has been the case in previous Project for the Inter-comparison of Land-surface Parameter Schemes (PILPS) and GSWP experiments.  Once a modeling group has set up its LSS for participation in GSWP-2, it has a ready testbed for offline testing of changes and improvements to the LSS.  Those who have previously participated in the Rhône-AGG or PILPS 2(e) experiments should find the transition to GSWP-2 very easy, because of the adherence to the ALMA data standards.  The modeling groups will also participate in sensitivity studies that are designed to help elucidate the workings of both the models and the land surface component of the climate system.

Information for Modelers: