Submitting Results

Baseline submissions: 

10-years of daily data, and one year (1995) of 3-hourly data.

See the output page for more details.

ALMA consistency checks of output data.

There are two methods available for checking your output data:

¤You may submit one-month test data to the ICC online at:
The format of the file will be examined and notice will be emailed to the submitting person.  Note, the range of each variable will be examined associated with the file format check, however, water/energy balance will not be checked this time.  Each modeling group is responsible for modification/conversion of the output, and ICC will not have the capacity to correct any errors.

¤ Use the ALMA QC control code from the ALMA web site:
This program will perform essentially the same consistency check as the online version above.  It is currently an older version, so it will not recognize some of the newer ALMA veriables.  We hope to have it updated soon to check all current GSWP-2 variables, and also include the checks of water and energy balance.

Deadline and submission of data to ICC

The deadline for the baseline submissions to be included in the preliminary analysis for presentation at the AMS Annual Meeting in January is:
        24 November 2003
This will be the final change to the deadline.  We will accept submissions after this deadline, but the likelihood of your model's inclusion in analysis and comparisons will decrease with later  submission dates, as we will be moving on to the sensitivity studies.

We have tested online submission of the output data.  While it does work, internet connectivity problems make it too slow to be practical from most locations (there may exceptions from Asia or Australia).  Once you have checked a one-month sample of your data for ALMA consistency, please submit your output data on optical media (DVD or CD-R) to:

         Mr. Naota Hanasaki
         Oki Laboratory
         Institute of Industrial Science
         University of Tokyo
         4-6-1 Meguro-ku, Komaba
         Tokyo 153-8505, Japan

         Phone: (03) 5452-6382
         Fax.: (03) 5452-6383