Kirtman, B.P., D.A. Paolino, J.L. Kinter III and D.M. Straus, 2001: Impact of Tropical Subseasonal SST Variability on Seasonal Mean Climate Simulations, Monthly Weather Review,129,853-868.
Shukla, J., J. Anderson, D. Baumhefner, C. Brankovic, Y. Chang, E. Kalnay, L. Marx, T. Palmer, D. Paolino, J. Ploshay, S. Schubert, D. Straus, M. Suarez, J. Tribbia, 2000: Dynamical Seasonal Prediction, Bulletin of the American Meteorolgical Society,81,2593-2606.
Shukla, J., D.A. Paolino, D.M. Straus, D. DeWitt, M. Fennessy, J.L. Kinter, L. Marx, R.Mo, 2000: Dynamical Seasonal Predictions with the COLA atmospheric model, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,126,2265-91.
Paolino, D.A., Q. Yang, B. Doty, J.L. Kinter III, J. Shukla, and D.M. Straus, 1995: A Pilot reanalysis project at COLA. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,76,697-710.
Mooley, D.A., and D.A. Paolino, 1989: The response of the Indian monsoon associated with the changes in sea surface temperature over the eastern south equatorial Pacific. Mausam,40,369-380.
Mooley, D.A. and D.A. Paolino, 1988 : Relationship of the Indian monsoon rainfall to the Northern Hemispheric 700 mb height tendency. Journal of Climatology,8,499-509.
Mooley, D.A. and D.A. Paolino, 1988 : A predictive monsoon signal in surface level thermal field over India. Monthly Weather Review,116,256-264.
Shukla, J. and D. A. Paolino, 1983: The Southern Oscillation and long range forecasting of the summer monsoon over India. Monthly Weather Review,111,1830-1837.
Trenberth, K.E. and D.A. Paolino, 1981: Characteristic patterns of variability of sea level pressure in the Northern Hemisphere. Monthly Weather Review,109,1169-1189.
Trenberth, K.E. and D.A. Paolino, 1980: The Northern Hemisphere sea level pressure data set: Trends, errors, and discontinuities. Monthly Weather Review,108,855-872.
Kirtman, B.P., D.A. Paolino, J.L. Kinter III and D.M. Straus, 2000: Impact of Tropical Subseasonal SST Variability on Seasonal Mean Climate Simulations. COLA Technical Report 80, 40 pp.
Shukla, J., D.A. Paolino, D.M. Straus, D. DeWitt, M. Fennessey, J.L. Kinter, L. Marx, and R. Mo, 1999: Dynamical Seasonal Predictions with the COLA Atmospheric model, COLA Technical Report 67, 42pp.
Shukla, J., Dan Paolino, Ben Kirtman, David DeWitt, Paul Dirmeyer, Brian Doty, Mike Fennessy, Bohua Huang, James Kinter, Larry Marx, Edwin Schneider, David Straus, Z. Zhu, 1997: A Forecast of Precipitation and Surface Air Temperature in North America for Winter (JFM) 1998, COLA Technical Report 50, 14pp.
Straus, D. M., and Dan Paolino, 1996: Diagnosis of the Mid-Latitude Baroclinic Regime in the NASA DAO Reanalyses and ECMWF Operational Analyses. COLA Technical Report 25, 48 pp.
Paolino, D.A., Q. Yang, B. Doty, J.L. Kinter III, J. Shukla, and D.M. Straus, 1994: A Pilot reanalysis project at COLA. COLA Technical Report 5, 46 pp.
Shukla, J., D. A. Mooley and D. A. Paolino, 1988: Long range forecasting of summer monsoon rainfall over India. Study week on persistent Meteo-oceanographic anomalies and teleconnections (23-27 September 1986), Pontificale academiae scientiarum scripta varia, 69, 147-178.
Paolino, D.A. and J. Shukla, 1986: Prediction of seasonal rainfall over India and China. Proceedings of the first WMO workshop on the diagnostics and prediction of monthly and seasonal atmospheric variations over the Globe, College Park, MD. Long-range forecasting research reports series, No. 6, Volume II, WMO Techincal Document WMO/TD No. 87, World Meteorological Organization.
Paolino, D.A. and J. Shukla, 1985: Interannual Variability of monsoon rainfall over India and China. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Climate Variations and Symposium on Contemporary Climate: 1850-2100, Los Angeles, CA. American Meteorological Society.
Paolino, D.A. and J. Shukla, 1981: Interannual variability of monsoon rainfall and Northern Hemispheric surface pressure. Proceedings of WMO Conference on Tropical Droughts - Meteorological Aspects and Implications for Agriculture, R.P. Pearce, Ed. World Meteorological Organization.
Paolino, D. A., 1980: Variability of the seasonal Northern Hemispheric surface atmospheric circulation. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois, 105 pp.
COLA Technical Reports available from:
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
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Shukla, J., 1998: Predictability in the midst of chaos: A scientific basis for climate forecasting, Science, 282, 728-731.
Straus, D.M. and Q.Yang, 1997: Vertical structure and dominant horizontal scales of baroclinic waves in the NASA DAO and NCEP reanalysis. Monthly Weather Review, 125, 3266-3278.
Shukla, J., 1991: Short term climate variability and predictions. Climate Change: Science, Impacts and Policy,Proceedings of the Second World Climate Conference, ed. J. Jager and H.L. Ferguson, p. 203-210.
Mooley, D.A. and J. Shukla, 1989: Main features of the westward- moving low pressure systems which form over the Indian region during the summer monsoon season and their relation to the monsoon rainfall. Mausam,40,2,137-152.
Shukla, J., 1987: Interannual variability of monsoons. Monsoons, Ed. J.S. Fein and P.L. Stephens, John Wiley and Sons, p. 399-463.
Shukla, J., 1987: Long-range forecasting of monsoons. Monsoons, Ed. J.S. Fein and P.L. Stephens, John Wiley and Sons, p. 523-547.
Shukla, J. and D.A. Mooley, 1987: Empirical prediction of the summer monsoon rainfall over India. Monthly Weather Review, 115,695-704.
Mooley, D.A. and J. Shukla, 1987: Characteristics of the westward moving summer monsoon low pressure systems over the Indian region and their relationship with the monsoon rainfall. Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Interactions, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.