Component Models

Atmosphere - NAVGEM-T0359L50 (~37 km resolution and 50 vertical levels)

Ocean - HYCOM-0.08 deg; 41 vertical layers

Sea Ice - CICEv4-0.08 deg

Land - inline NAVGEM T0359 (~37 km)

Initial conditions for hindcasts:

Atmosphere - from atmosphere data assimilation system

Ocean/Sea Ice - ocean/ice reanalysis at the same resolution

Land - Initialized from the Agricultural Meteorological Modeling System (AGRMET)

Hindcast period - 1999-2015 with 4 ensemble members.

Hindcast/forecast length - 45 days

Ensemble generation - time-lagged


Hogan, T., and Coauthors, 2014: The Navy Global Environmental Model. Oceanography, 27, 116-125.

Metzger, E.J., and Coauthors, 2014: US Navy Operational Global Ocean and Arctic Ice Prediction Systems. Oceanography, 27, 32-43,


Component Models

Atmosphere: GOES-5 - 1/2 degree horizontal resolution, 72 vertical layers (Rienecker et al. 2008; Molod et al. 2012)

Ocean: MOM5 - 1/2 degree horizontal resolution, 40 vertical layers (Griffies 2012)

Land: Catchment land surface model (Koster et al. 2000)

Sea Ice: Los Alamos Sea Ice model (CICE) (Hunke and Lipscomp 2008)

Initial conditions for hindcasts:

Atmosphere - MERRA2

Ocean/Sea Ice - GMAO's ocean analysis

Land - MERRA-2 precipitation corrected fields (Reichle et al. 2014)

*For real-time forecasts, initialization will be from GEOS-5's real-time forward processing analysis.

Hindcast period - 1981-2015 with 10 ensemble members.

Hindcast/forecast length - 45 days

Ensemble generation - perturbations generated using simple scaled difference of two consecutive days of analysis.


Griffies, S. M., 2012: Elements of the Modular Ocean Model (MOM). GFDL Ocean Group Technical Report No. 7, NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Hunke, E.C., and W.H. Lipscomb, 2008: CICE: The Los Alamos Sea Ice Model, Documentation and Software User's Manual, Version 4.0. Tech. Rep. LA-CC-06-012, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. [Available online at:].

Koster, R. D., M. J. Suarez, A. Ducharne, M. Stieglitz, and P. Kumar, 2000: A catchment-based approach to modeling land surface processes in a general circulation model: 1. Model structure. J. Geophys. Res. Atm., 105, 24 809-24 822, doi:10.1029/2000JD900327.

Molod, A., L. Takacs, M. Suarez, J. Bacmeister, I.-S. Song, and A. Eichmann, 2012. The GEOS-5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model: Mean Climate and Development from MERRA to Fortuna. NASA Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation, NASA TM-2012-104606, Vol. 28, 117 pp

Reichle, R. H., and Q. Liu, 2014: Observation-Corrected Precipitation Estimates in GEOS-5. NASA Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation, NASA/TM-2014-104606, Vol. 35, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA, 18pp. Available from

Rienecker, M. M., and Coauthors, 2008: The GEOS-5 Data Assimilation System- Documentation of Versions 5.0.1, 5.1.0, and 5.2.0, NASA Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation, Vol. 27, 101 pp.


Component Models

Atmosphere - GEFS T574(~33km)L64 for 0-8 day and T382 (~55km) for 8-35 day

Ocean/Sea Ice - N/A

Land - T574(~33km)

Initial conditions for hindcasts:

Atmosphere - from atmosphere data assimilation system

Ocean/Sea Ice - N/A

Land - from global data assimilation system (GDAS)

Hindcast period - 1999-2015 with 20 ensemble members.

Hindcast/forecast length - 35 days

Ensemble generation - EnKF & ETR


Zhou, X., Y. Zhu, D. Hou, and Kleist, 2016a: A comparison of perturbations from an ensemble transform and Ensemble Kalman Filter for the NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System. Weather and Forecasting, accepted.

Zhou, X., Y. Zhu, D. Hou, Y. Luo, J. Peng and R. Wobus, 2016b: The NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System with the EnKF Initialization. Submitted to MWR.

Hou, D., Z. Toth, Y. Zhu, W. Yang and R. Wobus, 2012: A Stochastic Total Tendency Perturbation Scheme Representing Model- Related Uncertainties in the NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System, Submitted to Tellus-A)


Component Models

Atmosphere - GFS T126L64

Ocean/Sea Ice - MOM4L40 0.25deg EQ; 0.5 global

Land - NOAH

Initial conditions for hindcasts:

Atmosphere - CFSR

Ocean/Sea Ice - CFSR

Land - GLDAS

Hindcast period - 1999-2010 4 members/day

Hindcast/forecast length - 45 days

Ensemble generation - Time-lagged, 06, 12, 18Z each day


Saha, S., Moorthi, S., Wu, X., Wang, J., Nadiga, S., Tripp, P., et al. (2014). The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2. Journal of Climate, 27(6), 2185-2208."


Component Models

Atmosphere - 0.45x0.45 deg; 40 levels

Ocean/Sea Ice - N/A

Land - Offline SPS forced by ERA-Interim

Initial conditions for hindcasts:

Atmosphere - ERA Interim (hindcast)

Ocean/Sea Ice - N/A

Land - ERA-Interim

Hindcast period - 1999-2014 4 members

Hindcast/forecast length - 32 days

Ensemble generation - random isotropic perturbation


Lin, H., N. Gagnon, S. Beauregard, R. Muncaster, M. Markovic, B. Denis, and M. Charron, 2016: GEPS based Monthly Prediction at the Canadian Meteorological Centre, Mon. Wea. Rev., DOI:


Component Models

Atmosphere - 0.9x1.25deg; L26

Ocean/Sea Ice - POPL60 1deg global w/0.25 res in deep tropics

Land - same as Atm

Initial conditions for hindcasts:

Atmosphere - xx

Ocean/Sea Ice - xx

Land -xx

Hindcast period - 1999-2015 with 3 or 4 members per day

Hindcast/forecast length - 45 days

Ensemble generation - time-lagged


Infanti, J. M., and B. P. Kirtman (2016), Prediction and predictability of land and atmosphere initialized CCSM4 climate forecasts over North America, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD024932


Component Models

Atmosphere - ~60km; 64 levels

Ocean/Sea Ice - iHYCOM 60km

Land - NOAH land sfc model

Initial conditions for hindcasts:

Atmosphere - CFSR

Ocean/Sea Ice - CFSR

Land - CFSR

Hindcast period - 1999-2014 with 4 per week

Hindcast/forecast length - 32 days

Ensemble generation - time-lagged; 12Z & 18Z Tues; 00Z & 06Z Wed


Bleck, R., and Coauthors, 2015: A vertically flow-following icosahedral grid model for medium-range and seasonal prediction. Part I: Model description. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 2386-2403, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-14-00300.1.

Bleck, R., 2002: An oceanic general circulation model framed in hybrid isopycnic-Cartesian coordinates. Ocean Modelling, 4, 55-58, doi:10.1016/S1463-5003(01)00012-9.