On 500 and 200 hPa levels
Variable CF Standard Name Abbrev Unit Frequency
Geopotential Height geopotential_height zg m Average of Instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
On 850 and 200 hPa levels
Variable CF Standard Name Abbrev Unit Frequency
Zonal Velocity eastward_wind ua ms-1 Average of Instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
Meridional Velocity northward_wind va ms-1 Average of Instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
On a single level
Variable CF Standard Name Abbrev Unit Frequency
2m Temperature air_temperature tas K Daily Average
Precipitation precipitation_flux pr kgm-2s-1 Accumulated every 24hrs
Surface Temperature (SST+Land) surface_temperature ts K Daily Average
Outgoing Longwave Radiation at top of Atm toa_outgoing_longwave_flux rlut Wm-2 Accumulated every 24hrs