draw button

draw button number xpos ypos width height string

Draws a button centered on xpos,ypos with the following attributes:

Usage Notes

  1. Button colors are specified with the set button command.

  2. A button's initial state is ON. If a user clicks on a button following a q pos command, then the button state will switch from ON (1) to OFF (0). A second q pos followed by a mouse click on the button will return it to the ON state.

  3. The button "state" (i.e. ON/OFF) may also be set with the redraw button command.

  4. See the section of the User's Guide on widgets for more information on using buttons.


set rgb 90 100 100 100
set rgb 91  50  50  50
set rgb 92 200 200 200
set button 2 90 91 92 3 90 91 92 10
draw button  1 2.5 8.0 2.5 0.5  Click Here