set button

Sets up the color characteristics of a button widget. The syntax is:

set button <button_ON_colors> <button_OFF_colors> thickness

where <button_ON_colors> and <button_OFF_colors> each contain four color numbers:

and thickness is the thickness of the shadow outline

Usage Notes

  1. set button generally precedes the draw button command.

  2. See the section of the User's Guide on widgets for more information on using buttons.


'set rgb 90 100 100 100'
'set rgb 91  50  50  50'
'set rgb 92 200 200 200'
'set button 1 90 91 92 2 90 92 91 6'
'draw button 1 1.5 8.0 2 0.5 Button #1'
'draw button 2 4.0 8.0 2 0.5 Button #2'
'draw button 3 6.5 8.0 2 0.5 Button #3'