q dialog <x y w h> dialog_text
Launches a dialog box widget that prompts for text or numeric data entry and also provides editing of an input text or value. Returns the text entered by the user.
X-coordinate of diaglog box center y    
Y-coordinate of diaglog box center w    
width of diaglog box h    
width of diaglog box
There are two options for the formatting of dialog_text
Enter value for PI:
"). If
contains only a prompt, then the
dialog box appears with the prompt and an empty entry point.
prompt | initial_string
prompt / initial_string
contains a prompt and an initial
string separated by a vertical bar or a backslash (e.g., "Enter
value for PI: | 3.14159
" or "Enter value for PI: /
"). The dialog box appears with the prompt and the
editable initial string at the entry point.
refrence page for details on controlling the
color properties of the dialog box widget.
set dialog 1 0 5 1 6 q dialog Hello World say result