set gxout

set gxout graphics_type

Where graphics_type can be one of the following:

For station data, these additional graphics output types are also available:

Usage Notes

  1. For the graphics output types vector, stream, and barb, the plotting routines need two result grids, where the first result grid is treated as the U component, and the second result grid is treated as the V component. These two result grids are provided with the display command by entering two expressions separated by a semicolon:

  2. For the graphics output types vector and stream, you can specify a third grid expression that will be used to colorize the vectors or streamlines: Beginning with GrADS version 2.0.2, the graphics output type scatter will also take a third grid expression to colorize the points in the scatter diagrm.

  3. To draw a 1-D time series with graphics output types vector or barb, set the dimension environment so that only time is varying, then :

  4. For the graphics output type wxsym, each value at a station location is assumed to be a wx symbol code number. To see a chart of all available wx symbols and their corresponding code numbers, run the sample script

  5. The graphics output type findstn requires three arguments to be provided with the display command. The first argument is a station data expression. The 2nd and 3rd arguments are the X and Y screen coordinates of the of the desired search location. GrADS will find the station closest to the specified X and Y position, and print its stid, lon, and lat. This graphics output type should only be used when X and Y are the varying dimensions and AFTER a regular display command (that results in graphics output) is entered.

  6. For the graphics output type stnmark, the size and style of the mark are controled by set digsiz and set cmark. To turn off rainbow colorizing and use a single color instead, use set ccolor color#.


The library contains an example script demonstrating how to use gxout bar and errbar