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Jian Lu
  Title: Research Scientist
  Phone: (703) 993-5717

Dr. Jian Lu, Ph.D, Dalhousie University. Research Scientist since December 2008. Dr. Lu is also an Assistant Professor at George Mason University, starting from January, 2009. Dr. Lu's recent research interests center on the understanding of the fundamentals of general circulation in the atmosphere and ocean, and its response to the anthropogenic climate forcing. Dr Lu is also interested in understanding the coupled climate modes at decadal to multi-decadal time scales and the potential predictability may ensue from these modes. Prior to joining COLA/GMU, Dr Lu was ASP postdoctoral fellow at NCAR and VSP fellow at GFDL/NOAA.

Dr. Jian Lu's research website

Dr. Jian Lu's GMU Homepage