COLA Scientific Advisory Committee

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COLA Scientific Advisory Committee

The COLA Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) was formed to examine COLA's research activities, provide guidance and recommendations for future work, and to render its professional judgment about the quality and importance of COLA research contributions. The SAC meets approximately annually to review all COLA scientific activity for the preceding period. The COLA Executive Director provides an Annual Report to the members of the SAC prior to the meeting to document milestones and major achievements, positive actions taken in response to prior SAC recommendations, personnel changes, major procurements, and any changes in the scope of COLA scientific projects. The SAC reports its evaluations of the current state of COLA research, and its recommendations for the future to the President of IGES, who transmits the report to representatives of the federal funding agencies. The SAC includes internationally recognized climate scientists from universities, federal research laboratories, and non-profit research institutes. Members of the SAC are nominated by the President of IGES for three-year terms in consultation with the Principal Investigators of COLA. The COLA SAC membership is determined in consultation with the representatives of the federal funding agencies.

The current membership of the COLA SAC (including years of service):

James Hurrell, NCAR (2010-- ; chair 2011--)
Dennis Lettenmaier, University of Washington (2011--)
Tim Palmer, ECMWF (2010-- )
Siegfried Schubert, NASA Goddard (2002– )
Julia Slingo, University of Reading (2005-- )
Soroosh Sorooshian, University of California, Irvine (2005-- )
Louis Uccellini, NCEP (2007-- )
Bin Wang, University of Hawaii (2005-- )

Other distinguished colleagues who have served on the COLA SAC:
David Anderson, ECMWF (2005--2007)
Lennart Bengtsson, Max-Planck-Institute (1998--2001)
Grant Branstator, NCAR (1999–2010)
David Burridge, ECMWF (1994–1999; 2001–2005)
Antonio Busalacchi, NASA Goddard (1994--1997)
Robert Dickinson, Georgia Tech (1998–2010 ; chair 2004--2010)
Dennis Hartmann, University of Washington (1998–2005; chair 1999–2003)
Ants Leetmaa, GFDL (2000–2005)
Roberto Mechoso, UCLA (1994--1998)
Kikuro Miyakoda, IMGA (1994--1997)
Gerald North, Texas A&M University (1999--2005)
Julia Paegle, University of Utah (1994--1997)
Kevin Trenberth, NCAR (1994--1999; chair 1998--1999)
J. Michael Wallace, University of Washington (1994--1999; chair 1994--1997)

SAC Members
SAC Members at COLA in April 2010:
J. Kinter, B. Wang, J. Hurrell, G. Branstator, R. Dickinson, S. Sorooshian, L. Uccellini, T. Palmer, and J. Shukla